September is here, and we are happy that Wednesday Women returns on Wednesday, September 13 from Noon-2PM!
It promises to be another lovely luncheon and opportunity for parish women to get to know each other over lunch and activities in our Parish Center.
This month’s hostesses (Linda Gibeck, Carol Weisel, Dru Torregrossa, Vickie Tillman, and Gail Hooper) have spent time planning out the activities and decor–all centered on the theme of “renewal”. All participants will go home with a thoughtful gift, centered on the “renewal” theme.
The lunch, catered by Snatcher’s Creekside, features salads and soup. Homemade dessert and beverages are on the menu too. The cost for the luncheon is $15.00 per person and is payable that day.
We hope both longtime and newer parishioners from both 8:00AM and 10:00AM Services will attend. Future Wednesday Women Luncheons are scheduled periodically throughout the year–but don’t miss this one! If there is someone new to invite, please reach out to them and encourage them to join in!