We were excited to send some of our SMA youth on a mission trip to Costa Rica this July. Our youth missionaries, in collaboration with the Diocese of Easton, helped build a church and participated in Vacation Bible Study with local children. Our parish donated 36 Spanish Bibles for the villagers.
In April of this year, the group hosted a Costa Rican Dinner in our Parish Hall. Those in attendance learned a little bit about the trip and the goals of the mission team, and tasted delicious Costa Rican food prepared by the youth and a few parents. Funds from the dinner went toward the mission trip fundraising goals.
During the Garden Market, pretzels were sold along with chances to win a “money tree”. Additional fundraisers, including an Envelope Drive, a neighborhood yard sale, two benefit dinners at local restaurants, and a jewelry sale, helped raise the funds necessary for this journey.
On August 14th, the returning missionaries will report to the parish about their experiences, and share pictures, during the Adult Education Hour.