There are many committees that are integral to the effective management of the parish. If parishioners are interested in joining a particular committee, they can express their interest to the chairperson. Specific contact information can be provided by the church office and/or is available in the parish directory.
The following list provides the names of the committees, along with their chair people:
Acolytes-Mac McMullen
Adult Education-Father John
Altar Guild-Andrea Pugh
Communications-Karen Schaeffer (website & ENews); Valerie Manges, Parish Administrator
Flower Committee-Nancy Ball & Mary Blomquist
Church Yard– Mac Taylor and Tom Brickner
ECW-Dru Torregrossa
Finance-George Coudon
Flower Delivery to Shut-ins-Ginny Roney
Garden Market-Dawn Rodenbaugh & Karen Schaeffer
Green Team- Linda Hunt
Gardening Team-Sande Taylor
Lay Eucharistic Ministers-Carol Weisel
Lectors– Tom Kenny
Mission-Katie Bartosh
Missions Quilting Group-Wendy Gilbert
Outreach-John Stemen, George Kaplan and Barb England
Pastoral Care-Fr. John
Prayer Chain-Linda Gibeck & Carol Weisel
Ushers-Christopher Inmon