We would like to extend our appreciation to our choir, as they now take a much-deserved summer break! We are blessed by their considerable music talent, as they help us worship the Lord with song and praise each week.
Thank you: Michael Brown, Chan Cosans, Rachelan & Dave Griffin, Susan Hocker, Mary Neureither, Gina Oxley, Barbro & Wayne Pollock, Dawn Rodenbaugh, Dru Torregrossa, Rick Waterhouse and Carol Weisel.
Notification: Regretfully, we received the resignation of our Director of Music, Steve McBride. His new full-time employment responsibilities, on the weekends, necessitated his decision.
A search committee, headed by Rick Waterhouse, is now in place and we will begin the process of searching for a new Director of Music. Please submit any recommendations to Rick at wate6585@zoominternet.net.
In the interim, parishioner Jane Crouch, will occasionally fill-in as our guest organist. Thank you, Jane, for sharing your talent and helping us out!