Dear Parishioners,
I am pleased to notify you that we now have permission from the Bishop to “regather” for in-person worship this Sunday, June 28, 2020. The Bishop and the Diocesan Chancellor reviewed our protocols, following the recommended guidelines from the Diocesan Covid-19 Task Force, and gave their approval.
We are planning two outdoor services, weather permitting, at 8 and 10AM. If it rains, the 8:00AM service will move inside the church. The 10AM service will move to the Parish Hall.
All social distancing rules and masks are required for both outdoor and indoor worship. We hired a cleaner to sanitize areas before and after services. We did extensive work to follow recommended protocols so you will feel comfortable and safe with worship at St. Mary Anne’s.
We’ve attached a letter from the Vestry and other pertinent links to the information and protocols you need to review. I realize this is a lot of information, but please give this your attention.
Tomorrow, we will send out a short survey, as we need a good estimate of attendance numbers to help us with seating and volunteers.
Church will look different and feel different for a time, but its important for us to take a cautious step forward. We’ve done our homework, put strategies in place, and are fortified by our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. We are prepared and equipped, so now let’s worship both in faith and thanksgiving for our many blessings.
Fr. John+