Bishop Santosh Marray and the Diocese of Easton released new church protocols in response to recently issued CDC and State of Maryland protocols.
We attached a link to this ENews article and strongly urge each parishioner to review these protocols.
In short, we are authorized to follow Cecil County Health Department rules which mirror both the CDC and Maryland protocols.
Effective immediately, fully vaccinated adults are not required to wear masks for in-person services. Those not yet vaccinated or those with immunocompromised systems should wear masks at all times.
We have no restrictions on attendance or social distancing. Log books and reservations are not required. Singing is allowed for those wearing masks. Ushers will resume normal procedures including passing the Offering plate. The Altar Guild will return to normal procedures. Communion will continue to be offered in Bread only. Please know, Fr. John and our musicians have been fully vaccinated for months.
The Bishop states, “As we move forward in this new dispensation, I would strongly urge extreme caution with Christian tolerance and careful consideration of our fellow family members in this community of faith and our neighbors. They may wish to continue wearing protective masks or face covering and we should respect their choice to exercise that right. Furthermore, I encourage each of us to exercise compassion in considering the health and safety of our unvaccinated children and young people, persons who possess compromised immune system and/or underlying health conditions.”
Your Vestry is reviewing the new rules on Coffee Hours, the Choir, etc. and will issue a statement later next week.
Please find Bishop San’s Pastoral Advisory regarding COVID-19 Protocols HERE
Please find a chart that outlines the new COVID-19 Protocols HERE