The Rev. John R. Schaeffer, Priest in Charge
Father John came to us as Rector in 2016. He continues to lead our parish with enthusiasm, faith and energy, as our Priest-in-Charge.
He and his wife Karen, married for 40 years, have three adult children, David (Rebecca), Eric, and Jennifer (Anthony), and two grandchildren (Natalie and Cameron).
Fr. John felt the call to ministry as he raised his children and participated in lay ministry at his local church in Pittsburgh, PA. He attended seminary part-time for a number of years while he was employed full-time in financial services industry. He obtained his Master in Divinity from Trinity School of Ministry in Ambridge, PA in 2012. He was ordained as an Episcopal priest in Diocese of Pittsburgh in December of 2012.
Fr. John is a Board Member of Upper Bay Counseling & Support Services. He is an active member of the Easton Episcopal Diocese, and serves on the Diocesan Commission on Ministry.
The Rev. Dr. Samuel H. Hartman, Rector Emeritus

Father Sam was born in Chester, PA., on June 8 1944. He graduated from Bowdoin College, AB, cum laude, in 1966. He received his seminary training at General Theological Seminary, graduating in 1969 with an STB; and a Doctor of Ministry from The Lancaster Theological Seminary in 2003.
He was ordained in the Diocese of Maine in 1969. Sam and Judi were married in 1977. The Hartman’s have two daughters and 4 grandchildren from ages 18 to 2.
Fr. Sam served in the Diocese of Maine from 1969-1983. He was Rector of St. James Church in Florence, Italy from 1983-1990. Sam received God’s call to be Rector of St. Mary Anne’s in 1990, and served for 23 years, retiring in 2013.
He has continued his service to the Church and the Diocese of Easton; and he and Judi, have remained beloved members of our community. His title as Rector Emeritus recognizes our ongoing relationship of affection as we pledge to hold him in prayer for his health and happiness. Moreover, we dedicate ourselves as a parish to faithfulness to his legacy in the characteristics of his ministry: Joy and zest in following Jesus; faithful preaching of the Gospel; delight in solid liturgy; and a heart for all God’s children.