Thank you to everyone who participated in our Annual Meeting last Sunday. Much was accomplished at the well-attended meeting, including the election of three Vestry Members–George Balog, Jennifer Swoboda, and Mac McMullin; and Convention delegates–Evie and Richard Starr; Alternate delegates–Anne and Gene Steger; and Vestry delegate Linda Gibeck.
The Mission Committee Budget was presented by Rick Waterhouse and approved. The Church Budget was presented by Finance Chair George Coudon and Treasurer Barbara England.
Father John, Sr. Warden Mike Pugh, and Jr Warden George Balog presented reports and answered questions. Sande Taylor, Church Registrar, took the minutes.
Thank you to the Vestry for the Coffee Hour contributions, Andrea Pugh and Father John for meeting management, Larry Gibeck and Charlie Kornsey for room set-up, Sande Taylor for the minutes, Valerie Manges and Barb England for the Annual and Financial Reports, and all Committee Leaders who submitted their reports.