Now Accepting Soda/Water Donations!
Want to contribute to our Hot Dog Table?
Rooted in the past, reaching for the future
Now Accepting Soda/Water Donations!
Want to contribute to our Hot Dog Table?
Twenty-five participants enjoyed our first session of our Lenten Soup Suppers and discussion about “The Grace of Les Misérables”.
The next sessions are scheduled for March 23, 30 and April 6 from 6-7:30PM.
Please sign-up after services this Sunday or RSVP to the church office at or 410-287-5522. Please let us know if you can make a pot of delicious soup, salad or dessert for the evening study.
As spring arrives, its time to clean-up the churchyard, and riverbank, for our Easter celebration and upcoming Garden Market.
Our annual Spring Churchyard Clean-up is on Saturday, April 2 from 8-11AM, with a rain date of April 9.
If you have tarps, rakes, blowers, and even a pick-up truck, please bring them with you.
Many hands make light work. We’ll provide the coffee and donuts. Join us for some fresh air, and fellowship, as we spruce up our church home.
The St. Mary Anne’s Flower Committee will decorate the Church for the Easter Season. This will include Palm Sunday, Garden of Repose, Easter services and the door and gate baskets (which are continued for several weeks after Easter). A donation in any amount helps continue this tradition and provides an opportunity for you to remember or honor loved ones.
Envelopes are available in the pews or you may send your donation to the church office. Be sure to include the names of those you are remembering and make a notation indicating Easter Flowers. In order to be included in the Easter bulletin please remit by April 13, 2022.
Sunday 8:00AM: Rite II Service with Holy Eucharist
Sunday 10:00AM: Rite II Service with Holy Eucharist