North Elk Coffee House Planning Meeting
For over 20 years, our church hosted The North Elk Coffee House performances. Guest musicians (primarily folk and country performers) entertained the local community in our Parish Hall, with coffee and refreshments served in a “coffee house” setting. Since its inception, funds raised (over $50,000) were given to The Meeting Ground to benefit the local homeless community.
During the pandemic, the Coffee House went on a hiatus and the Coffee House team retired. Now, a new crop of parishioners are intent on bringing back Coffee House performances to our community.
A Coffee House performance is now scheduled for Saturday evening, July 16 in the Parish House at 7:30PM. Details TBA soon!
We need the support of the parish to get this back up and running! A Coffee House meeting is scheduled for this Wednesday, June 22, 7-8PM in the Parish Hall. Please attend and see how you can make this charitable event and ongoing St. Mary Anne’s ministry a success!
June Vestry Meeting Notes
The Vestry met on Wednesday evening, June 15. Here are the highlights:
- Father John thanked the Vestry and the Church family for allowing him and Karen to have the recent time off to refresh and renew. Fr. John stated that we have much to do and he is excited about our future.
- Senior Warden Mike Pugh reviewed the draft of the working document we’re calling “capital planning/church projects”. This work will allow us to identify, prioritize and estimate costs of large to medium size projects needing to be addressed over the next few years. Once we have this document finalized, we’ll release it to the Parish.
- Our Treasurer Barb England briefed us on our financial position. We are in a stable position. Although we have experienced a market loss with our church investments, we have confidence in the Diocesan Board of Managers who care for the Easton Episcopal Funds.
- Our Vestry liaison reports included an update on Outreach- all is well and we continue to serve those in need and are looking for ways to do more for our community in the near future. Mission- The Mission Committee serves an evening meal to the homeless in Elkton in partnership with the Paris Foundation. They can always use help to prepare, package and serve (see details above). The Mission Committee in cooperation with our Outreach office is sending out $30,000 to provide additional support to local and international charities to help in their time of need. Coffee House- The St. Mary Anne’s North Elk Coffee House music venue is back! The first concert will be July 16. We need 100% support from the congregation to make this entertaining and charitable event a success.
- Fellowship Committee- The Vestry is looking for a few people to lead the renewal of our Fellowship Committee. We’d like to plan a Parish Picnic, Sundae Sunday and other welcoming events.
Next Vestry meeting is July 20 at 6:30. Vestry minutes are available for review in the church office.
Dear Parishioners
Dear Parishioners,
Karen and I recently returned from a three week break. During that time, we drove to Florida and stayed in Ft. Myers Beach for two weeks and then spent a few days in the Keys before we drove back. We had a restful time–thanks to you. If you remember, you gifted us that time back in February 2021–and we finally used it!
Special thanks to Father Sam, our Rector Emeritus, for filling in for me during those three Sunday services in May and early June. I watched the services on Livestream and enjoyed his weekly sermons.
Thank you to our musicians Joel and Shelly Ray Alarcon, our Virtual Choir, and all Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Ushers, Altar Guild, Vestry Persons of the Week, and Acolytes, who continued our beautiful worship during that time.
Thank you to Senior Warden Mike Pugh and Junior Warden George Balog, Treasurer Barb England, Treasurer Assistant Judy Coudon, Finance Chair George Coudon, and Parish Administrator Valerie Manges, all of whom managed parish duties.
Thank you to the Gardening Committee, especially Linda & Larry Gibeck and Vickie Icenhour, for their helpful work on weeding and mulching the rectory flower beds during our absence–and removing two baby copperhead snakes! And, to Larry for taking care of the weekly parish trash and recycling (my unofficial weekly Rector duty!) Their dedicated work around our churchyard is a blessing to all of us.
We greatly appreciate you-for you are a blessing too!
Fr. John and Karen
Inquirer’s Class
Whenever a bishop makes an annual visitation to a parish, everyone is given the opportunity to receive certain spiritual and ecclesial benefits that flow from the episcopacy. That is why we commonly have Confirmation, Reception and Reaffirmation vows during a Bishop’s visit.
On Sunday, September 25, parishioners have an opportunity to confirm, receive, or reaffirm their faith during Bishop San’s annual visitation to our parish. What is the difference?
Confirmation The sacramental rite in which the candidates “express a mature commitment to Christ, and receive strength from the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop” (BCP, p. 860). Those who were baptized at an early age and those baptized as adults without laying on of hands by a bishop are expected to make a mature public affirmation of their faith, recommit themselves to the responsibilities of their baptism, and receive laying on of hands by a bishop (BCP, p. 412). Adults baptized with the laying on of hands by a bishop are considered to be confirmed.
Reception is the means by which a validly baptized and confirmed person from another Christian denomination is formally welcomed into the fellowship of the Episcopal Church. The action is symbolized by a discreet handshake rather than by a formal laying on of hands.
Reaffirmation of Baptismal Vows represents an opportunity for a person to publicly acknowledge a renewal of faith after a period of unbelief or deep questioning, or to acknowledge the gaining of a new level of spiritual life or understanding. It can also be an occasion of thanksgiving for the gift of faith in the life of the individual Christian.
Please consider the role of faith in your life. Liturgical moments, such as these, can have a deeply meaningful and even transformative impact on your spiritual life. Please let me know!
Want to know more?
If you are new to the Episcopal Church, or just want a refresher, we invite you to an an Inquirer’s Class. Tentative dates for this 3-part series are on Wednesday, July 6, 13, and 27 at 6:30-8:00PM in the Parish Hall. Let Father John know of your interest or phone the church office at 410-287-5522
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