Changing Lives, One Pair at a Time

Rooted in the past, reaching for the future
Questions? Contact: marktdobbins@comcast.net
The Rotating Homeless Shelter (January 23-February 4th). As in previous years, we are coordinating efforts with The Meeting Ground to provide assistance to the area homeless. We will be responsible for evening meals from January 23rd – February 6th; and responsible for staffing from January 30th – February 6th. Daily hours: 4:30 pm- 7:30 am. Broken out into 4 shifts per day. Additional coverage needed on weekends to cover for van drivers. Please consider how you can help this important ministry. An informational planning meeting for all volunteers will be on Sunday, January 29th. Contact Mark Dobbins at marktdobbins@comcast.net for more information and to sign-up.
The Giving Tree names have been distributed, and now we need to shop! Please return your unwrapped box of presents for the child on Sunday, December 18th between 8-noon in the Parish Hall. Distribution to the children’s parents will be on Tuesday, December 20th between 9 and noon. Thank you for your generosity and desire to make Christmas a little brighter for a disadvantaged child! Questions? Contact Linda Hunt.
Sunday 8:00AM: Rite I Service with Holy Eucharist
Sunday 10:00AM: Rite II Service with Holy Eucharist