Sandwiches/Desserts for Mission

Rooted in the past, reaching for the future
On Tuesday, July 6, we will again provide bagged suppers for the Paris Foundation to distribute to their clients, the areas homeless community. We are looking for two volunteers to join Sarah Swoboda, Rosemary Albert, and Paula England in making both ten individually wrapped sandwiches and ten individually wrapped desserts for the meal. The sandwiches can be either ham and cheese on a roll or turkey and cheese on a roll – no mustard or mayo.
You can plan to drop them off at the Parish Center kitchen by 3:15 (or earlier in the day) on July 6. Wendy Gilbert and Cindy Hoffman will assemble the meals to deliver to Elkton. If you can help with this mission to the community, email Rick Waterhouse: wate6585@zoominternet.net
Sunday 8:00AM: Rite I Service with Holy Eucharist
Sunday 10:00AM: Rite II Service with Holy Eucharist