Join Bishop San for lunch and presentation on Archbishop Desmond Tutu’s “No Future Without Forgiveness: A Lost Discipline in the 21st Century Church”. Please attend on March 3rd & March 17th in the Parish Center, starting at 11:00AM. A light lunch will be served.
Dream Big – Leave a Legacy Scholarship

Initially funded by a generous donation from the Flood family, this scholarship fund continues to slowly grow with additional contributions and interest.To date, two parishioner high school seniors have received scholarships: Ethan Kyger and Hannah Sadler. It is our hope to increase the fund so we can award additional scholarships.
To that end, the Scholarship Committee and the 2:42 Men’s Group are co-sponsoring a Chili Cook-off – on Saturday, March 28, 5-7PM, Parish Hall. Proceeds from this event will benefit our scholarship fund and our students with “big dreams”.
Youth & Children’s Ministry Assessment – Feb 8th-10th
Youth & Children’s Ministry Assessment
Planning for our youth & children
We value the children of our church, and we are committed to building sustainable youth and children’s ministries that will have a deep impact.
Our Vestry has invited Joanne Fisher from the Diocese of Easton to help assess our children’s and youth ministries. She and her team will be here on February 8th-10th to listen to a variety of groups, parents and volunteers. We want your insights, your ideas, and your dreams to be heard.
Assessment Schedule February 8-10, 2020
Saturday, February 8
· Noon-1:15- Assessment team meets with Father John in the Parish Office
· 1:30-2:45- Assessment Team meets with the Vestry in the Vestry House
· 3:00- 4:15- Children and Youth Committee (TBD)
· 4:30-5:45- Children’s Ministry Volunteers- Teachers, Acolyte Leader- Please meet in Parish Office
· 6:00-7:15- Youth Ministry Volunteers- Meet in Vestry House, due to Emergency Rotating Shelter dinner.
· 7:30-8:45- Open Session- Parish Hall
Sunday, February 9
· 8:00-9:15- Rite I service- Sanctuary
· 8:30-9:45- Parents of Children and their (K-5) children welcome! -Parish Hall
· 9:45-10:30- Church School- Assessment team can meet with people at this time too in the Parish Hall
· 10:00-11:15- Service of Holy Baptism- Sanctuary
· 11:30-12:45- Parents of Youth – Parish Office
· 1:00- 2:15- Youth-Parish Office
Monday, February 10
· 3:00- Assessment team meets with Fr. John- Parish Office
· 5:00- Meeting and report to the Congregation, recommendations and blueprint presented.
Please RSVP to Father John if you can visit with the assessment team.
Attention knitters and crocheters:
Commitment Sunday

Monies pledged help us formulate a 2020 budget, so we can meet our operating expenses such as salaries, insurances, utilities, etc., and fuel our mission and ministries not only for this time but for future generations.
Our generous pledges are a loving response to a plentiful and loving God and demonstrate our commitment to Him and the Church. Speaking of a loving response, Rick and Julie Waterhouse will share their testimony to this fact during Sunday services.
If you forget to bring your pledge card there will be some available in church.