Harness the Power of the Sun!

Rooted in the past, reaching for the future
Come and take part in a Women’s Fellowship Day with the ladies of St. Mary Anne’s Episcopal Church. During this day long event, we will look at ways to unclutter our lives and our souls. All of us have so much going on in our lives—and we are often on overload. Many of us have so much stuff—literally and figuratively! Wouldn’t it be great to try to simplify our lives—especially before the hectic holiday season?
Based on a wonderful book called Simplify by Bill Hybels, we’ll look together at ways to simplify our lives and, in the process, draw closer to God and one another. The day will be a mix of learning, sharing and activities—and of course, fellowship and fun!
Join us on Saturday, November 12, 2016; 8:30AM-4:00PM at The Blue Heron Grille, Chesapeake Bay Golf Club in North East. Breakfast and Lunch will be Provided. Cost is $45.00 (includes food and presentation materials). Register by October 24th (cap of 40 attendees, so register early!).
Committee Members and Presenters for this event are: Barbara England, Wendy Gilbert, Kathi Litchenstein, Dawn Rodenbaugh & Karen Schaeffer
Limited scholarship funds available—please see Karen Schaeffer for details
Have you ever wondered what journey God has planned for your life and whether you are on the right path? This is the question that Education for Ministry (EfM) is meant to assist in answering.
Each year there is reading on a piece of our tradition, i.e. the Old testament, the New Testament; Church History & the Church Today. EfM also brings people together in Christian community and love which is unique in our family. Biblical principles are brought into our lives and culture today, and through Reflection, our past, present and future as God’s Children are examined.
EfM is a program developed and administered through the University of the South at Swanee, Tennessee. While there is a cost to the program, St. Mary Anne’s has always believed that money should not be an impediment to participating in the program. Scholarships are available for anyone interested in being part of a very special program.
St. Mary Anne’s EfM group is set to begin on October 6th at 6:30PM in the Vestry House.
With the start of the new school year, SMA turns its focus to a new school year of Christian Education for both children and adults. We call it “Formation” and have “Adult”, “Child” and “Youth Formation” programs. Part of this formation programming involves Confirmation lessons for both young and mature adults.
Confirmation is a mature public affirmation of faith and a commitment to the responsibilities of Baptism. According to our faith we believe that in the course of Christian development, those baptized at an early age are expected, when they are “ready and prepared”, to make a mature public affirmation of their faith and a commitment to the responsibilities of their Baptism. This affirmation and commitment is made in front of the bishop; during which, they receive a laying on of hands. Many young adults participate in Confirmation, but adults of any age are also encouraged to participate.
So how does one get “ready and prepared”? We have study materials and also provide mentors to help. The next Confirmation, in front of our new Bishop, will be scheduled for early next year. If you are interested, please notify Fr. John.
Join us on Sunday, September 11th for our First Annual Sundae Sunday to kick-off our Sunday school registration!
After each service, we will serve delicious ice cream sundaes on Hoopes Court and provide the opportunity to register children for Sunday School classes and materials. Bring your families to enjoy this tasty treat and to learn more about the upcoming school year!
Sunday 8:00AM: Rite I Service with Holy Eucharist
Sunday 10:00AM: Rite II Service with Holy Eucharist