Butterfly Quilt Raffle
Now is your chance to purchase raffle tickets for the
Butterflies in the Garden quilt!
Purchase tickets at our Annual Garden Market on May 3 (9-6PM) and May 4 (9-4PM) or do so online at https://www.stmaryanne.org/donate/ . Be sure to type “quilt tickets” in the memo and leave your email address for ticket numbers.
The winning ticket will be drawn at the close of the Garden Market on Saturday, May 4.
Tickets are $5.00 each or 5 chances to win for $20.00.
We will limit ticket sales to 500 chances.
Donations and Help Needed for Garden Market
We Need Your Help! Work at a booth, such as the Bake Table, the Silent Auction, the ECW Plant Table, Duck Races and Children’s Marigold Planting. Or, help with set-up before the event and takedown after. Also, we need greeters and bakers.
Old Fool’s Tools Booth
Please feel welcome to leave your donations of gently used tools, gardening equipment and fishing gear in the Parish Center garage throughout the month of April. We appreciate your donations but do not want any broken or rusty items. We resell your items for a “name your price” donation to benefit the church. Thank you!
ECW Plant Table Needs
- Dig and pot now and bring labeled donations to the Parish Center April 29 to May 1st. Pots and labels are beside the Parish Center garage.
- We need several flat wagons to help move plants and watering cans. If you have one, may we borrow it for the Garden Market? Email Sande Taylor at mamacass4@verion.net
Thank you in advance for any assistance and plants you can offer to benefit the ECW’s Plant Table.
Soda Donations Needed!
The ECW Garden Market Hot Dog Stand needs contributions of 12oz canned sodas of either Coke or Pepsi products. Please leave in Parish Center kitchen marked ECW Garden Market. Thank you in advance for your help with the Hot Dog Stand!
Kid’s Clothing Drive
We are now collecting new children’s clothes for the Deep Roots organization, as they celebrate ten years of helping homeless families in Cecil County. Since their population changes regularly, they ask for any size and type of NEW children’s clothes. Boxes are placed in the Vestry House and the Parish Center, to make it simple for you to drop off your donations when you attend Sunday services. The clothing will be delivered on Saturday, April 27. Thanks very much!
April Vestry Meeting Notes
The following are highlights from the Wednesday, April 17, 2024 Vestry Meeting. As always, complete Vestry Minutes are available to the Parish a few weeks after each meeting.
· Father John opened the meeting with a prayer service of Compline (BCP 127).
· He reported that our Holy Week and Easter Services exceeded our attendance figures of the last few years. He thanked all our committees and groups for making our worship time beautiful.
· Senior Warden Mike Pugh was welcomed back from his short-time away. Mike has a number of projects he is working on with the Vestry and Fr. John.
· Junior Warden George Balog reported that our property and buildings are in good shape but attention is needed on a few small repairs and refurbishing. New carpet was installed in the Parish Offices by Pro Flooring.
· Treasurer Barb England reported that our financials are in order. She thanks parishioners for keeping their pledge giving up to date. Barbara noted that a $5,000 gift, on behalf of the church, was given to mission partner, the Paris Foundation, to help with their new building. This worthy foundation serves the homeless in Cecil County.
Other Reports:
· The Food Pantry is very busy as they continue to serve the hungry 3 days a week in Cecil County.
· The Coffee House April performance is Saturday, April 20. Proceeds benefit the Meeting Ground which serves the homeless.
· Garden Market Co-Chair Dawn Rodenbaugh reported that we are on track for a successful event. Dawn asks our Parish for volunteers to help with set-up, and to review this week’s special edition Enews for details of the event. Please sign up to help on May 2-5.
New Business:
· Father John and the Vestry approved our Parochial Report. This annual report to the Diocese and national Episcopal Church records our attendance, financials, activities and challenges throughout 2023. The good news is that our attendance is up over 20% from 2022.
· The Parish Picnic is set for Sunday, September 29. On that day, we welcome Bishop Santosh Murray for his annual visitation. We are hopeful to have him receive new members into our parish family and confirm a few youth and adults. We will have one outdoor service at 10:00AM followed by the picnic. Please mark your calendars now.
Old Business:
· A reminder that the gravesite cost in our churchyard is increasing from $600.00 to $1,000.00 beginning May 1st. If interested in purchasing a site(s) prior to the increase, please contact the church office.
The next Vestry meeting is May 15 at 6:30PM in the Parish Center.
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