November Wednesday Women
Wednesday Women Luncheon
Parish women are invited to our next Wednesday Women Luncheon on November 1, 2023 at 12:00 noon in the Parish Hall. On menu will feature pasta, salad, bread and dessert and the cost is $15.00 per person.
At this lunch we welcome guest speaker, Anne Bean, Chief of Human Services, Cecil County Domestic Violence/Rape Crisis Center. She will speak to us about The Bridge, Cecil County’s
domestic violence shelter.
As a thank you to Anne, we will collect and send to The Bridge, personal items for the residents. She advises necessary items are furnished but extra items are much appreciated i.e., nail polish, make up, manicure sets, hair accessories. Please bring only NEW items – no slightly used things.
Please RSVP to the church office ( or 410-287-5522) or Andrea Pugh ( or 443-206-0575) before October 30th.
Hope to see you there!
Vestry Statement on Stewardship
We kick off our annual Stewardship Campaign this week. You will receive a Stewardship letter and pledge card in your mailbox within the next few days. Commitment Sunday is this weekend, and pledges will be accepted from this Sunday going forward. We ask that you prayerfully consider pledging to St. Mary Anne’s, so we can continue a mission that began 317 years ago!
The following is a Vestry Statement on Stewardship that propels our Vestry and ministry. We pray that you commit to this mission and support our efforts to the bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the North East community and beyond.
What We Believe
We will be good stewards of the mission of our Church – We gather in the name of Jesus Christ to worship God, To invite all into a community of friendship, love and respect, and to nurture and strengthen our faith. We go out to share God’s Spirit and to live God’s love, to be faithful stewards of God’s creation, and to help those in need.
Stewardship is embedded in everything we do and everything we are. We will focus on the theology of abundance*. In God’s redemptive love, we are confident there is enough of what we really need to go around. We will invite and desire 100% participation in what we practice.
What We Practice as Members of Saint Mary Anne’s:
- Involvement in some form of spiritual growth and renewal
- Active participation in public worship
- Service in our ministries
- Promise of financial support to our Parish
*2 Corinthians 9:8 And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work.
How We Give
Give First Fruits. Give God the first portions of your income. When we pay our bills, write our check to the Church first: as an offering and as a reminder that all things from God.
Give Proportionately. We give in proportion to the income we receive, not a specific amount. Proportionate giving challenges both the rich and the poor. A specific percentage of one’s income does not adequately express our stewardship before God.
Give Sacrificially. Give sacrificially usually includes a rearrangement of priorities, a change in lifestyle, or a forfeiture of something valued.
Give Regularly. The habit of regular, pledged giving serves as a constant reminder of the generosity of God and helps to shape our souls. Pledged giving also allows the Church to plan responsibly for our ministries.
Give Cheerfully. Joy, faith, and service are the qualities that form the foundation of proportionate giving. Receiving is wonderful, but the exhilaration is greater when we are able to give to another person. The Lord loves a cheerful giver.
Give Quietly. Our purpose is to please God, not others. The dollar amounts will vary considerably, but each is sharing with God, through the Church, out of what God has provided.
Commitment Sunday is October 15.
Please prayerfully consider your annual pledge to the Church.
Pledges for 2024 can be submitted throughout the Stewardship Campaign.
ECW Upcoming Events
ECW Upcoming Events
Save the dates!
- NEW! Wednesday, November 1, 2023, Wednesday Women Luncheon; 12 Noon; Parish Hall
- Saturday, November 11, 2023, ECW Meeting; 9:30AM; Parish Hall
- Saturday, December 2, 2023, Christmas Cookie Walk fundraiser; 9AM-Noon; Parish Hall
- Tuesday, December 12, 2023, Annual Wine & Soup Dinner; 6PM; Parish Hall
A Great Start!
Last Sunday, we kicked off our fall activities with the Annual Back Pack Blessing and Sundae Sunday. Children and teachers from both services received a prayers for the new school year, and children were gifted a small keychain present for their backpacks. After the services, children of all ages enjoyed ice cream sundaes during our Coffee Hours. Many of the children are now enrolled in our Church School program that will begin on October 1st. Even if you missed this kick-off, we encourage you to enroll your children or grandchildren in this once a month instruction. Details are below.
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