The Bishop’s Annual Visitation in the Church at 10AM!
Sunday, September 29, 2024
Our Church Picnic, brimming with plenty of delicious food,
in The Parish Hall following the Service.
- A decision about an inside or outside service and festivities, will be made by 11AM on Saturday.
- We will inform the parish by email, shortly thereafter.
- Rain or not, we will have only ONE Sunday service that day at 10AM.
- If the forecast is good, outside set-up is scheduled for 1:00PM on Saturday. Help is needed!
The church will provide pit beef, turkey and ham from Fast Eddie’s. We request that attendees furnish a side dish, salad, or dessert to add to the menu. Please bring your covered dish to the Parish Kitchen, ready to serve, on Sunday morning only.
Complimentary kayaking at our wharf, courtesy of Bay Venture Outfitters, is available for family fun! We will share a link to sign-up in a forthcoming Enews.